
Friday, February 22, 2013

Gettin' Healthy

Remember when I talked about my "bride workout" and making healthier eating choices after the New Year? I do, and I am sad to admit that I haven't exactly been following either one. Well let me rephrase that in order to not sound like a total giver-upper. I changed the routine a bit. Instead of doing my fave exercise video Tae-Bo, I switched to weight-lifting. I found an Android app that takes me through a few different exercises, and it's been working pretty well. Let me tell you that I have always lacked upper arm strength and definition. And when you think about yourself in your wedding dress, what is the one thing that everyone sees? Your upper arm flab. I just want to tighten enough to look good in pics, K?

What I wouldn't give for these upper arms. Here's another workout option I think I'll try! Image courtesy

Now about my eating habits...I was doing really good. Then the Little Noodle came home selling candy bars for little league. Then work got stressful. Then (insert excuse here). So here I am, at my desk, with a little smear of chocolate on my keyboard as I type. I am becoming more and more aware of the fact that I'm running out of time before the wedding to really get into a healthier routine. I'm even thinking about trying one of those raw food diets. You know, eating just foods that are natural and unprocessed? Wonder if I could stick to that one...

I also started taking a multi-vitamin every morning. I've always had a hard time with those, because I can't swallow pills. If you don't know, vitamins are HUGE. Then I found Nature Made Multi-Mini's. They aren't what I would call "small", but they are definitely smaller than other vitamins I've tried. So if anyone out there is looking for a multi-vitamin that doesn't choke you on the way down, I'd highly recommend them! I compared the ingredients to regular sized vitamins and all the goodies are still there.
My new vitamins! Image courtesy

In conclusion, it's really hard to exercise when there's a foot of snow on the sidewalks, and it's hard to eat healthy when there is no supply of fresh, locally grown fruits and vegetables and the ones in the store are too wilty from sitting for days in a truck. But I'm finding ways to do it all little by little. Anyone have a routine or diet that has really worked for them?

Happy planning!
Miss Spaghetti