
Friday, September 14, 2012

Dressing the Spaghetti Men

One wonderful and unique part of our wedding is going to be Mr. Spaghetti's 6 year old son. The little noodle is a very big part of our lives. He is getting really excited about his dad and I getting married, and it makes me so happy! He has been asking questions about the event and his part in it. His main concerns are "do I get to stand up there with Daddy?" and "what do I get to wear?". I LOVE that he is asking questions, and we try to answer and explain things to him so that he feels like a part of it.

As I start to think about apparel for the men, I picture Little Noodle in a miniature version of what is dad is wearing. Mr. Spaghetti and I have briefly talked about what he would like to wear, and the first option is tan linen suits. While I'm not completely sold on the tan color (my accent color is charcoal gray), I am totally open to what he wants. I found some for both Mr. and little noodle:

Men's suit: Macy's
Boy's suit: Nordstrom

I kind of like the vest-only look, and I've been seeing it in a lot of weddings lately. Do you like the vest-only look? Anyone else out there planning a wedding with kids?

Happy planning!
Miss Spaghetti


  1. So I'm a new follower from Weddingbee and I was so excited to see that you are a West Michigan budget bride: me too! :D Also, I LOVE the vest-only look, my groomsmen are wearing vests-only (not your traditional vests since it's a Disney/fairytale/costume inspired wedding, but still :P) and I love the idea of putting Mr. Noodle (adorbs name, by the way!) in a matching suit. It's going to look great!

  2. So glad to meet you! I have been reading your blog as well, just recently noticed you were from my neck of the woods. It's a small world!

    I'm really digging the vest-only look, so happy to hear I'm not the only one. And I love your wedding theme, as a fellow Disney movie lover I'm a little jealous I didn't think of that:)

  3. I like it. We were going to do just shirt and jacket but thought it may not be smart enough for church plus I could get the ties in the exact colour match with the BM dresses from Dessy and got excited by this amount of colour co-ordination lol. I think it often depends on the climate where you live and type of venue
