
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Feelin' Oh So Crafty

MOH K's Bachelorette Party is this Saturday at my house. I'm pretty prepared (aka: still hustling to get my house in order after having our tub and bathroom sink snaked Sunday and having black crap spewed all over the door and walls and toilet and floor...but hey at least the drains work now!). My bathroom is not even technically a bathroom, it's a commode. It's a closet filled with toilet, sink and tub. Seriously, it's tiny. But I take pride in finding ways to make it seem organized and not a complete mess. There is a white shelf thing over the toilet (like a toilet armoire) that is just shelves, no doors to close. So everything on these shelves is visible ALL the time. It drives me nuts. I wanted to get some of those fabric drawers like the ones that go in the little cube cubby hole organizers. But they were too big. And also upwards of $10 each. Ya right! So I set out to find a way to make my own.

I started with some random boxes that were headed for the recycle bin. Then I printed some cute designs on paper to wrap them in. I really didn't have a true plan in mind as far as what size, or how the paper would actually look when I wrapped it. So I started folding and cutting and just seeing what I ended up with. To my surprise, the first one came out pretty darn good! I began wrapping the paper around it, secured it using some handy dandy Scotch tape, and threw it up on the shelf to admire my handy work. Other than the box being a tiny bit warped from being smashed in a bag, it looked mighty good! I took some random crap that was on the shelf and put it in my new "deco box" (that's the official name I came up with) and the shelf looked better instantly.

Having had such success on the first try, I set out to make one to hold the washcloths that up until now just sat awkwardly on the shelf. No, I don't even have a linen closet. Pathetic. Using a cereal box, I folded and cut and used the stack of washcloths for sizing. Once I had something to work with, I wrapped it in a different pattern printout. It was a little more rickety than my first one, but looked good nonetheless. I plopped that thang on the shelf, put my washcloths in it, and stood in amazement at myself for actually following through with a craft project, and being happy with the result. I made Mr. S immediately pause his Xbox game and get up and take a look. He was thoroughly impressed, of course.

Now the next one I actually took the time to take some pics while I was working. This one was designed to be a q-tip holder with a flip-top lid. Yes, I am that OCD that even the q-tip box doesn't belong on the here's how it went down (all pics personal):

I started with a box that I cut down and reassembled to make it fit some q-tips (hint: use actual q-tips for measuring)
Next, I cut the top off a baggie and placed it inside the box. I thought this might be more sanitary since q-tips go in your ears. I used a glue-tape-dispenser that kind of looks like a whiteout pen to adhere the top of the baggie to the box.
Then I wrapped the box with the printed paper. I chose stripes for this little guy.
And here's a pic from the front with the baggie.
Next came the flip top lid. I cut a single piece of cardboard to fit the top, and then folded another little piece to make a hinge. Glued that puppy onto the inside of the box, and the underside of the lid.
Ta-da! My new q-tip holder deco box with the lid closed, and also finished with q-tips inside it.

The moral of the story is, sometimes you just have to try something to really know if it's going to work or not. I honestly did not think I'd make it happen, just because I often have these little craft projects that end up being half done and stuck in a box in the basement. But it was worth a shot, and it ended up working out just fine!

Happy planning!
Miss Spaghetti

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