Oh yeah, that's right, we're talking desserts. My biggest weakness. But when it comes to our wedding, I'm willing to put aside all thoughts of fat content and sugar highs, because we're making it all about what we LOVE. And that, good people, is dessert.
Neither Mr. S or myself are big cake fans. But our dream of an elaborate ice cream buffet with all the toppings was quickly put to rest when we were quoted in the range of $600 by a few places (ouch!). And that isn't really a DIY project I want to take on or handle on my wedding day (can we say, meltdown? hehe). So I've opted for a common middle-ground, a little something called the Dessert Buffet. I guess it's a rather popular thing these days, which was news to me. I've been scouring the 'net for ideas, and I've seen some super cute and simple ideas for them.
First, let's talk content. I've narrowed it down to a few simple snacks that I can probably make or buy myself. The first one is the increasingly popular "cake pop". My mom bought me this handy-dandy cake pop pan a while ago:
Now I have yet to actually use it, so the decision will be pending on my ability to figure it out and create something edible. Stay tuned for that!
The other items I hope to have are more traditional desserts, such as brownies, cookies, and maybe a few cupcakes. Using my mom's
Cricut, I can cut out beautiful cupcake wraps in any kind of paper. Side note: this is a pretty big undertaking since it takes me about 10 minutes to do one wrap. Anyone who's used one of these machines can probably relate...or maybe it's just me...
Now, onto the decor. MOH K (my fashionista sista) has become a pro at making tissue paper poms. I really like the look of them in this pic:
I love the different purples (my color), and the ways they incorporated the poms. I can have a few hanging, a few on vases, and even just sitting on the table throughout the desserts.
Or perhaps purple pinwheels as a backdrop:
I'm finding lots of pretty purple inspiration on the interwebs, so I don't think I'll have trouble deciding on some cute deco's for our sweet dessert table! And trust me, I have been thinking about the painstaking task of making all these delicious treats. I have yet to really investigate whether this will be cheaper than buying pre-made, or paying someone else to do it all together. But one thing is for sure, I will let you know exactly what I find out! (Funny side note, when I typed "pre-made" it must not have been a word, because my auto correct wanted to change it to "pee-made"! As if that is a word, let alone a word I would use when talking about making food. Who comes up with these?)
Anyone else planning a dessert buffet? Are you making it yourself? Let's hear some of the treats you are having!
Happy planning!
Miss Spaghetti